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Moonlight Brewing Company

3350 Coffey Lane,Suites A & D,Santa Rosa,California95403


Since our first batch in 1992, our goal has been to make the best tasting beer we can. We believe that traditional processes have a place in the modern brewery. While much of our protocol extends the time from kettle to glass, we continue to practice these long established techniques because the beer deserves it. Respected beer is tasty beer. Our 20 barrel brewhouse has no computers, requiring kinship between raw ingredients, equipment, and brewer in order to produce our beer. We use sight, smell and taste (and some lab gadgetry) to determine when a beer is ready to be released to the world. While most of our beer is made with just malted barley and hops, we use different grains and herbs in some of our seasonal beers. These ingredients and the flavors they produce give us a glimpse into a time when the beer world was not dominated by hops. Although most of our beers are fermented with our house lager and ale yeasts, we usually slip in a few saisons in Summertime. We hope you will find a few new favorites in our offerings. Cheers!



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